Follett VERSION 6.00 User Manual

Page 604

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The following image contains a sample exception report:

Check Database Integrity

10/13/2000 @ 01:58 pm

Step 1 of 3 : Rebuild Indexes

Total Files: 21
Files Processed: 21

Step 1 of 3 : COMPLETED

Step 2 of 3 : Check MARC Integrity

File: Authority Data

Total Records: 0
Acceptable Records: 0
Invalid Records: 0

File: Bibliographic Data

Acceptable Records: 0
Invalid Records: 0

File: MARC Header

Total Records: 122
Acceptable Records: 122
Invalid Records: 0

File: Synchronization

Total Records: 0
Acceptable Records: 0
Invalid Records: 0

Step 3 of 3 : COMPLETED

IMPORTANT: Problems have been found during processing. To
correct these problems, please run Advanced | Rebuild Data-
base | File Relationships.

To ensure the best possible service, we strongly recommend that you keep a log

containing a description of any problems you encounter and the date they

occurred, as well as the solutions used to correct them.
The following table lists the most common exception report messages:



Problems have been found during

processing. To correct these probĆ

lems, please run .

To recover from these problems, simply run the utility indicated

in the message.

Operation failed: (-#)

will correct this problem.

This message provides a number and brief description of the

problem. To recover from this problem, run the utility indicated

in the message.

Operation failed: (-#)
Contact Follett Technical Support.

This message provides a number and brief description of the

problem. Due to the complexity of this problem, you must call

Follett Software Company's Technical Support department for

Important: To ensure quality service, have the error number and

description ready before calling Technical Support.