Follett VERSION 6.00 User Manual
Page 626

USB Universal Serial Bus.
userĆdefined fine types Besides the default fine types that come with Circulation Desk Setup, a user can add
fine types as needed; for example, band uniform rental for which a fine could be asĆ
sessed if the band uniform was damaged. These fines are not associated with copies.
USMARC As of 1999, an obsolete term for the format of machine readable bibliographic and
authority records. Replaced by MARC 21.
USMOC An acronym for US MARC Organization Code. Also known as holdings code, used to
uniquely identify an individual library and assigned by the Library of Congress. As of
1999, an obsolete term. Replaced by MOC.
Utilities A module in Circulation Plus and Catalog Plus that allow users to diagnose or correct
problems in their databases.
Visual OPAC A highly graphical interface for Catalog Plus developed for the inexperienced patron.
WAN Wide Area Network. A computer network that spans a long distance and uses
specialized computers to connect smaller networks.
Web browser A program that retrieves and displays Web pages.
Web server The computer and/or software that runs the Web server program, such as
WebCollection Plus. This host" responds to HTTP-protocol requests.
WebCollection Plus The online public access catalog application that allows users to search the library's
database via the Internet.
Web page A block of data available on the World Wide Web, identified and accessed by a URL. It
is a file written in HTML, stored on a server.
WebPath Express
(formerly 856Express)
A service available from Follett Software Company that provides access to selected
Web sites through your OPACs, WebCollection Plus, and Cataloging.
Web site Any computer on the Internet running a World Wide Web server process. A particular
Web site is identified by the hostname part of a URL.
wildcard A character used during keyword searches when the user is unsure of the spelling of a
keyword or phrase or the form after the root. Use the question mark (?) to replace an
unknown letter and the asterisk (*) for unknown letters or to broaden a search: i.e.,
wom?n for both woman and women or teach* for teach, teacher, teaching.
workstation A computer on a network that bears no responsibilities for file sharing or database
management. Used for library patron searches or circulation/cataloging activities.
World Wide Web The graphical Internet hypertext service that uses the HTTP protocol to retrieve data.