Follett VERSION 6.00 User Manual
Page 419

Chapter 33 Setting up your search stations
Click a button to go
back to that set.
Click to add an action
button to this set.
Click a button to edit it.
If the button loads
another set of buttons,
rightĆclick to edit it;
leftĆclick to load its set.
On a Mac, hold down
while clicking to edit it.
Click to end
Configuration Mode
and return to
Search Mode.
If you chose to load the default buttons, you see the home button set in the
window. If not, the paper" is blank, allowing you to create your own buttons.
The action buttons are completely configurable. You can edit, delete, deactivate,
or rearrange them. You can move them into different sets. You can create
additional buttons for these sets or organize them into new sets.
A set is a group of buttons that displays at any one time and can contain up to 99
buttons. Since the window only holds about eight action buttons, you view the
others in the set by clicking the left and right arrows.
There is no limit to the number of sets you can create. You then, on the Visual
OPAC Setup tab, choose any set to be the home button set Ċ the buttons that
appear when you launch the visual interface or click Home in Navigation.
You can set up an action button to do one of several things:
Open another application
Launch the browser and open a specific Web page
Perform a bibliographic search
Perform a keyword search
Load another set of action buttons to implement hierarchical searching
Display the Type In Search windowĊa simplified version of the text OPAC
To configure a button, move to the set in which it resides (or will reside, if new).
For example, if you want to change the Inventors button, click the Famous People
button in the Home button set.
To add a new action button to the set, click the Add button on the toolbar.
To edit an existing button, click the button itself. This opens the Button
Configuration dialog.