Follett VERSION 6.00 User Manual

Page 314

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To search for records to define your range, click Starting At or Ending At. A

dialog, specific to your search, appears:

Type your search term in the

text box, and then click Find.

The closest match to the

search term is highlighted in

the selection list. Highlight

the desired record, and then

click Select.

If you clicked the Starting At button first, Cataloging highlights the first item in the library database.

If you clicked the Ending At button first, it highlights the last item in the database.

Note: To jump to the beginning of the selection list, click an item on the list, and then press



To skip to the bottom of the selection list, click an item on the list, and then press



If you do not select a starting and ending point, Cataloging displays a

message asking if you want to include all the records in your collection with

this type of heading.

Selected range

Things to remember

No range

If you're not exporting by range, you can still limit the export to full or

brief records.


Click on the Starting At and Ending At buttons to find the starting and

ending entries for the range.


Click on the Starting At and Ending At buttons to find the starting and

ending entries for the range.

Call number

Checks the copy record for the call number. Click on the Starting At

and Ending At buttons to find the starting and ending entries for the

Note that the titles exported may have copies with call numbers that

fall outside the range; however, only copies with call numbers within

the range are exported.


You can add up to 100 numbers to the list for exporting. Choose the

correct radio button to indicate the type of number you are entering,

type the number, and then click Add. To remove a number from the

list, highlight it and click Remove.
Important: You can enter ISBNs and ISSNs with or without hyphens. If

you enter them without hyphens, the application adds them

automatically. When entering LCCNs, you must either include the

hyphen (e.g., 72-75015) or replace the hyphen with a zero (e.g.,



Click on the Starting At and Ending At buttons to find the starting and

ending entries for the range.