IAI America IA-101-X-USBMW User Manual
Page 111

6. Position Data Edit W
(2) Common buttons (X-SEL-J/K, P/Q, PX/QX, R/S, RX/SX, TT, SSEL, ASEL, and PSEL)
Fig.6.17 Common Buttons (X-SEL-J/K, P/Q, PX/QX, R/S, RX/SX, TT, SSEL, ASEL, and PSEL)
(3) Common buttons (X-SEL-JX/KX and RXD/SXD)
Fig. 6.18 Common Buttons (X-SEL-JX/KX and RXD/SXD)
Save to File
Clicking this button will open a dialog box where you can save the position data to a file under a
desired name.
(Note) X-SEL-P/Q, PX/QX, R/S, RX/SX, and RXD/SXD controllers compatible with increased
memory (with gateway function), the positions of No.4001 or later will not be saved by Position File
Format 1 (normal format). Save them by Position File Format 2 (extended format).
Transfer to Controller
Clicking this button will transfer the position data to the controller.
Refresh Position Data
After a program that rewrites position data has been run, click this button to refresh the position
data display.
Clicking this button will print the position data.
Capture Current Position
Clicking this button will capture the current position into the position number corresponding to the
position for all axes indicated by. (The captured position is not yet transferred to the
In the case of the X-SEL-RX/SX and RXD/SXD controllers, the screen shown in Fig. 6.19 appears.
Select the current position, axis whose current arm system is loaded, and arm system, and then
click the "OK" button.
Fig. 6.19 Current Position Load Setting Screen