Mesh setup based on tos detection, Mesh setup based on tos detection . e-24 – Comtech EF Data VMS v3.12.x Vipersat User Manual

Page 480

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ToS Switching

MN/22156, rev 12


VMS User Guide

Mesh Setup Based on ToS Detection

The detection of a ToS stamped packet by a remote modem can provide the

means for setting up a Single Hop On Demand (SHOD) mesh connection from

that remote to another remote within the network. For these SHOD connections,

it is assumed that each remote site that is part of the SHOD connection has, at

minimum, one additional demodulator configured as a Remote Expansion.
When a remote modem detects a packet that has been stamped with a ToS value

that matches the user defined value, the modem will look at the destination IP

address within the packet. The remote modem will then send a switch request to

the VMS requesting the user defined bandwidth. The switch request also

contains the address that the ToS stamped packet was destined for. The VMS

processes the switch request and compares the destination address to the list of

known subnets to determine if the destination belongs to another remote within

the network. If the address does belong to another remote, the VMS will look

for available hardware and bandwidth and then issue tuning commands to set up

the connection. Each direction of the mesh is set up independently; i.e., the

detection that occurs at remote 1 will establish a connection from remote 1 to

the other remote involved. However, the other remote must perform detection

for set up in the opposite direction.