Setting unit to parked configuration mode, C-35, In the section “setting unit to – Comtech EF Data VMS v3.12.x Vipersat User Manual

Page 445

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MN/22156, rev 12

N:M Hub Modem Redundancy

Caution: A repaired failed unit will have the same IP address and function as

its replacement unit which is currently online. Use the following

procedure when returning the unit back into service as a backup. To

avoid conflict with the online primary unit and possible loss or

degradation of satellite network communications, use the following


Use the following procedure when putting a VMS controlled modem into

service. The unit must have its IP address changed and its configuration modi-

fied to backup mode so that it can be connected to the network without conflict-

ing with any ongoing communication or network control functions.

Warning: Do not apply power to the unmodified unit while it is still connected to

the network. To do so may cause the network to behave

unpredictably and possibly fail. A unit removed from service MUST

be set to backup configuration before being placed back into service.


Disconnect the Ethernet connection between the unit and the LAN.

2. Remove all RF connections from the VMS controlled modem to the net-


Tip: To test a failed unit and then put it into backup configuration before putting

it back into service, ideally it should be removed from the rack and the

power cord removed from the unit’s rear connector leaving the power cord

connected to the remote managed power control unit.

Setting Unit to Parked Configuration Mode

All modem units that will be installed into an existing VMS network should be

configured for parked mode to ensure that:

The unit will be recognized and respond to VMS commands.
The unit will not try to assume an active role in the network until it has

been commanded to do so by the VMS.

Connect to the unit using the serial console port as described in the unit’s docu-

mentation available for download at:

Note: The following configuration procedure is presented for a CDM-570/L

modem/router. The same configuration steps would apply to other Viper-

sat modem types (e.g., SLM-5650A, Series800), but with some variation

due to the user interface for the given modem type. Refer to the modem

user manual for specific details.


Turn the unit On.