Back up vms database (upgrade), Back up vms database (upgrade) -7, Figure 2-5 dep tab – Comtech EF Data VMS v3.12.x Vipersat User Manual

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VMS Installation


MN/22156, rev 12

Prepare Server for VMS Installation

Figure 2-5 DEP tab

4. Select the Turn on DEP for essential Windows Programs and services

only radio button. If the CPU processor does not support DEP, this radio

button will be greyed out and unavailable.

5. Click the OK button to complete this procedure.

This action limits DEP to protecting only essential Windows programs without

interfering with any other applications.

Back Up VMS Database (Upgrade)

For VMS upgrades, it is recommended that the current VMS database be backed

up prior to installing the new version of VMS. This precaution will allow for the

current database to be restored in the event that the new install fails.

Note: This database backup can only be restored on the current VMS version.

It is not compatible with the new VMS version.