Gold code, Power level, Spectrum invert – Comtech EF Data VMS v3.12.x Vipersat User Manual

Page 279: Scrambler

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Configuring Network Modems


MN/22156, rev 12


Gold Code

This parameter appears for CDM-800 units only.

Caution: Changing this parameter setting with the Parameter Editor will disrupt

both management and data traffic over the link, and communications

with the Remotes will be lost. A technician will have to be deployed to

each Remote site to restore communications by setting the gold code

for the demodulator to match (see “Devices | Demod” on page 4-64).

To minimize disruption of communications between Hub and

Remotes when changing this parameter, utilize the “Alternate”

configuration feature that is available through the WSI. Refer to the

modem Operation Manual for details.

The Gold Code is the physical layer spreading sequence number, or spreading

factor to be applied (for instances of low power), and can be set from 0 to

262141 chips/bit. Default is 0.

Power Level

Set the transmit Power Level based on the site link budget calculations.

Valid range is:

L-Band: -5.0 to -40.0 dBm

IF: -5.0 to -25.0 dBm

For the CDM-840, the Power Level is automatically managed by the VMS once

the unit has registered with the active server.

Spectrum Invert

Select Spectrum Invert if required for this site. Default is disabled.
This setting allows for adjustment of the orientation of the signal bandwidth

with respect to the carrier frequency. This adjustment can be used to prevent the

transmitted frequency (combined modulated and fundamental) from potentially

causing interference with adjacent bands. Typically, the spectrum inversion

setting of the modem will match that of the BUC.


This parameter appears for CDM-840 units only.
The transmit Scrambler can be set for the Remote if required. Default is


Note: Enabling this parameter for the Remote transmit requires that it also be

enabled for the Hub receiver (CDD-880) to perform descrambling (see

“Devices | Demod” on page 4-64).