New in this revision, V 3.11.3 release, Carrier presence switching – Comtech EF Data VMS v3.12.x Vipersat User Manual
Page 35: V3.12.0 release, Preemptive bandwidth pool management, Restful interface, New in this revision -11, Restful interface -11, V 3.11.3 release carrier presence switching
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MN/22156, rev 12
Product Description
New in this Revision
v 3.11.3 Release
Carrier Presence Switching
Carrier Presence Switching (CPS) allows the VMS to autonomously manipulate
carriers through presence-based distributions within the satellite bandwidth
pools. This switching type is determined by the presence or absence of carriers,
executing bandwidth shifts governed by divisional carrier distribution and indi-
vidual policy settings. CPS is a Hertz defined switching method in which a
carrier may occupy a large segment of bandwidth even with little to no traffic
load on the terminal.
See the Release Notes for additional information on the VMS v3.11.3 product
v3.12.0 Release
Preemptive Bandwidth Pool Management
Bandwidth Exclusion zones provide the capability of blocking segments of
dSCPC pool bandwidth through an external interface. The exclusion manage-
ment allows external applications to request a start and stop frequency segment
of bandwidth for temporary use of foreign carrier overlays within the pools.
The assignment of an exclusion zone exclusively blocks, or “masks”, a region
of bandwidth, forcing any dynamic carrier to move out of that region during
foreign carrier presence. The deletion of the exclusion clears, or “unmasks”, the
specified region, freeing the bandwidth and resuming all normal dSCPC usage.
This masking of the pools prevents carrier interface of shared satellite capacity
between dynamic and externally managed carriers during preemptive periods of
An active exclusion provides bandwidth segmentation with visual indication,
and manual control along with external management.
RESTful Interface
The new VMS RESTful interface is a Web Services API that adheres to the
REST (Representational State Transfer) principles. This interface provides a
high level control of VMS element structures via document-addressable URL’s
simplifying and standardizing on an external application interface, such as to/
from a network management system (NMS). The following are some generic
details of each of these elements.