Multicast address, Snmp trap destination ip address, Network | switching – Comtech EF Data VMS v3.12.x Vipersat User Manual

Page 269: Network | switching | load, Network | switching -51, Network | switching | load -51

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4 -

Configuring Network Modems


MN/22156, rev 12


Valid range is 49152 to 65534.

Multicast Address

The Multicast Address is the management multicast IP address assigned to all

modem units in the Vipersat network that are managed by the VMS. This

address must match the VMS Transmit Multicast Address (see section “Viper-

sat Manager Configuration” on page 3-12).
When the modem unit receives a multicast from the VMS server, it receives

maintenance and control packets, including the server’s IP address. The unit

responds to the VMS server with a unicast containing its current configuration

data, including the unit’s IP address. When the VMS receives the unicast

response, it registers the unit on the network.

SNMP Trap Destination IP Address

Enter the IP address of the SNMP manager/server that the trap messages are to

be sent to. Note that this address must be on the same subnet as the management

interface address, or the management interface must have a valid default gate-

way defined. Only unicast addresses are valid for this parameter.
The default value,, disables this function (no traps sent).

Network | Switching

This menu item appears for CDM-840 units only.

Note: If the Dynamic SCPC feature (FAST code) has not been purchased for

this modem/router, the Switching menu item will not be displayed.

Once a Remote unit is switched from Entry Channel Mode into dSCPC mode,

additional switching can be initiated by the Remote, based on either changes in

Load and/or application of ToS (Type of Service).

Network | Switching | Load

This menu item appears for CDM-840 units only.
Load switching is an automatic switching function where the system detects

variations in data rate and will switch the SCPC carrier based on bandwidth

requirements. This additional switching as a result of load variation is deter-

mined by the parameter settings that are made here (figure 4-33).