Cdm-760 device driver, Operations monitor, Multi-select – Comtech EF Data VMS v3.12.x Vipersat User Manual

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Product Description

MN/22156, rev 12


VMS User Guide

The different HTTP request methods used for transactions:

GET – request method that returns the current state of the element.
PUT – request method that updates the state of the element.
POST – request method that creates a new instance of the element type.
DELETE – request method that deletes an element.

Note that this v3.12 VMS release provides only a small subset of calls support-

ing exclusion bandwidth control. For more information on the RESTful inter-

face, refer to the VMS REST ICD.

CDM-760 Device Driver

A new Vipersat SNMP device driver has been added to the VMS to support

Out-of-Band switching services for the CDM-760 modem/router.

Operations Monitor

The Operations Monitor is a modeless pop-up dialog used to

present the status

of a pending operation which would ordinarily block the VMS client (Viper-

View) from initiating any additional actions until the previous operation is

concluded. The user can now execute multiple commands simultaneously

without blocking occuring in the client.
A window pane for each pending operation displays a description which can

include the name of the associated external unit, or the number of associated

external units if there are more than one. The initiation time followed by the

number of seconds since the operation started is also displayed. In addition,

some operations have a progress message.
For example, a pending image upgrade indicates how many packets have

been transmitted so far, as well as the total number of packets. When the

operation is completed, a green or red icon appears to indicate success or



The client Multi-Select feature allows much more control and flexibility for an

operator to modify multiple sites, units, or devices at random or contiguously

for different types of operations by holding the Shift or Ctrl key during selec-

tion. The example below shows multiple sites selected presenting either Diag-

nostic Revert or Reset control. This type of selection control facilitates grouped

operations, expediting many different processes.