Redundant hot-standby, Protection switch-over, Active to standby switch – Comtech EF Data VMS v3.12.x Vipersat User Manual

Page 413: Redundant hot-standby. . . . . . . . . . . c-3, Protection switch-over . . . . . . . . . c-3, Active to standby switch . . . . . . . c-3

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MN/22156, rev 12

VMS Redundancy

Redundant Hot-Standby

In a redundant configuration, the VMS servers run in parallel. The VMS data-

base on the standby server(s) is continuously maintained, in real-time, as a

mirror image of the VMS database running on the active server.

Note: It is recommended that all servers be co-located at the same site and be

connected to the same Ethernet LAN. The monitoring workstation should

also be co-located. This is to eliminate reliability issues that may be

associated with the terrestrial data-link communications between a

geographically remote server and NOC units. A data-link failure may

result in contention of automatic switch-over control and interruption of

restoral processing.

Protection Switch-over

If the active server fails, the VMS protected by N:1 redundancy immediately

switches to a standby server. The VMS running on the standby server picks up

and executes the ongoing network management tasks until the failure in the

active VMS server is resolved by human intervention.
Both the active and standby servers operate in a query-peer mode to determine

which server is to be the active VMS server in the network.
If, for example, the active VMS server fails causing a protection switch, a

standby VMS server assumes control of the network. While the standby server

is actively managing the live network, a previously active server that is being

restarted cannot assume the active server role without first checking for the

presence of an active VMS server already managing the network. The process

for initiating and managing the transitions between active to standby modes is

described below.

Active to Standby Switch

This transition occurs whenever:

An automatic switch-over is triggered by the failure detection mechanism

due to active VMS failure, or

A manual switch-over is invoked from the active console by, for example,

taking down the active server for maintenance.

A switch-over from the currently active server back to the server with higher

priority (once recovered) is NOT automatic. An operator must manually

perform the switch at the active server’s console.
When a server with a higher priority is restarted, the VMS on the server detects

an active peer on the network (a previous standby server) and automatically

enters standby mode, and remains in standby mode until either an operator