Figure 3-78 fec & modulation parameters – Comtech EF Data VMS v3.12.x Vipersat User Manual

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3 -

VMS Configuration


MN/22156, rev 12

Network Manager Configuration

3. To use new Mod/Code parameters (different from the default settings) for

this switch, click on the Additional Transmit Parameters (...) button.
This will open the dialog for entering the desired Modulation and FEC

values for this entry (figure 3-78).

Figure 3-78 FEC & Modulation Parameters

4. Click on OK to record this entry in the table.

5. Repeat this process to create additional entries for this site, as required.

6. Entries can be revised by selecting the entry and using either the Modify

button or the Remove button, as shown in figure 3-79.

Advanced VSAT Networks
Use this procedure to configure ModCods for a CDM-840 Remote.
For ACM to work properly in a dSCPC environment, it is recommended that the

initial switch from the ECM channel be made at the Max ModCod calculated

per the site link budget. If environmental conditions prevent the link from clos-

ing at the Max, the modem will adjust to the appropriate ModCod as a function

of ACM.


From the Return Path Modulation Coding Table page, click the Selection

[...] button for the Default Parameters field.

2. Select the ModCod that was set as the Maximum in the CDM-840 modem

for this Remote site and then click OK.
Refer to the section “Devices | Mod” on page 4-58 for more information.

3. Ensure that there are no table entries listed on the page. Remove any entries

that are displayed.