Figure 3-74 bandwidth reservation applied – Comtech EF Data VMS v3.12.x Vipersat User Manual

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Network Manager Configuration

MN/22156, rev 12


VMS User Guide

Observe the Status of this reservation that is displayed in the far right

column of the table; the Inactive label should change to Active, indicating

that the reservation was accepted, as shown in figure 3-74.

Figure 3-74 Bandwidth Reservation Applied

If the attempt was not accepted, the label Unavailable will be displayed,

followed by information explaining the error—insufficient bandwidth

available, or insufficient hardware (expansion demod) available.

6. Should an error occur with this reservation, correct the mis-configuration

that caused the error, then re-apply the reservation.

Note that the reservation can be Activated or Inactivated as desired by checking

or unchecking the satellite and clicking Apply.

7. If forward path switching is enabled for this Remote, repeat steps 1 through 6

for configuring the InBand Rx Reservations.

8. Close the Properties window for this Remote.

9. Open the Satellite Reservations window to view the currently assigned (per

individual remote, and total) and available bandwidth for reservations on this

satellite (figure 3-75 and figure 3-76).