Base power, Power hunt enable, Multicast address – Comtech EF Data VMS v3.12.x Vipersat User Manual

Page 262: Lo frequency

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MN/22156, rev 12


VMS User Guide

Set the Group ID for this Remote to match that of the associated HCC

(CDD-880). Valid range is 0 to 255.

Base Power

The Base Power is the power level that is used by the Remote modem to

transmit the Aloha ECM signal to the Hub, prior to the switch to dSCPC

mode. This level is determined for the modem from the site link budget

calculations, and must be calibrated with the satellite provider.
Valid range is -40.0 to 0.0 dBm.

Power Hunt Enable

Power Hunt is a transmission power control feature for the Remote

modulator that functions while the Remote is in Entry Channel mode. This

parameter provides compensation for instances when the initial (baseline)

power value is insufficient or during periods of impaired transmission, and

assists in maintaining return link integrity.
When a predetermined number of consecutive burst acknowledgements from

the Remote are missed at the Hub, the power output is increased in 1 dB

increments, up to a maximum of 3 dB. The value specified for the Power

Hunt parameter (range is 0-3) determines the maximum power increase for

this Remote.
The Power Hunt function is disabled when the Remote switches from ECM

to SCPC mode. Should the Remote revert back to ECM from SCPC mode,

the function is once again enabled.

Multicast Address

This parameter is used to define the IP address for the Multicast of the

Transmission Announcement Protocol (TAP) message that is sent out by the

HCC to all of the associated Remotes in that group. This address must be the

same for all members of the group. The TAP is a proprietary message sent

from the Hub to all Remotes, at regular intervals, specifying the relative start

time and duration for each terminal to transmit.
Set the Multicast Address for this Remote to match that of the associated

HCC (CDD-880).

LO Frequency

Caution: The parameter setting for LO Frequency is very critical for

determining RF frequency translations between Hub and Remote

offsets or data spectral inversions. Take care in setting this correctly.