Antenna control unit settings, Antenna control unit settings -14, Figure 5-11 management settings dialog, ross – Comtech EF Data VMS v3.12.x Vipersat User Manual

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VMS User Guide

Figure 5-11 Management Settings dialog, ROSS

Antenna Control Unit Settings

Clicking on the ACU menu item displays the Antenna Control Unit Settings

dialog shown in figure 5-12.
The ACU Configuration dialog allows the operator to set the ACU type and

configuration options.
Every ACU vendor has their own proprietary communication protocols that

provide for external devices to gain access to monitor and control settings.
The ACU Type allows the operator to select the appropriate model or manufac-

turer, indicating to the ROSS which device driver to initialize during boot-up.

The ACU models supported by ROSS are listed in the pull-down menu.
Enter the ACU Config using the format for the specific ACU vendor.
Select the Frequency Band from the pull-down menu.