Populate subnets, Rf manager, Populate subnets -40 – Comtech EF Data VMS v3.12.x Vipersat User Manual

Page 346: Rf manager -40, Figure 6-50 antenna view, hub site

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VMS Service Managers

MN/22156, rev 12


VMS User Guide

Once defined, the new subnet will appear as a new icon under the Subnet


Populate Subnets

The Populate Subnets command instructs the VMS to query the Vipersat

Manager for any network units that belong to a subnet and ensure that they are

placed in the appropriate subnet.

RF Manager

The RF Manager is the controlling VMS service for all network satellites and

site antennas. This is where the satellites are created and defined, along with the

associated transponders and bandwidth pools that provide the allocatable spec-

trum for STDMA and SCPC carriers. This is also where the site antennas are

created and defined, along with their associated converters that provide the RF

interface for the network modems.
Selecting an antenna from the RF Manager tree displays information relating to

the associated Up converter and Down converter (figure 6-50).

Figure 6-50 Antenna View, Hub Site

Once created and defined, the satellite(s) and the associated site antennas are

copied into the Network Manager which provides the primary operator interface

for these items. Opening a network satellite provides the Spectrum view which

displays the transponder(s), pools, and the active carriers, as shown in