Create sites, Create sites -44, Figure 3-44 drag satellite to network – Comtech EF Data VMS v3.12.x Vipersat User Manual

Page 144: Figure 3-45 create site menu command

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Network Manager Configuration

MN/22156, rev 12


VMS User Guide

Figure 3-44 Drag Satellite to Network

2. If there are multiple satellites and/or networks/groups, repeat this drag-and-

drop process as required.

3. Expand the network/group tree view to expose the satellite appearance(s).

Create Sites

Site containers are used to hold the antenna and subnet for a Hub or Remote

site. This procedure follows the manual method for creating the Hub site(s) and

the initial Remote site(s).


Select Create Site from the Network (or from the Group, if the site is to be a

member of an existing group) drop-down menu, as shown in figure 3-45.

Figure 3-45 Create Site menu command