Setting up n:m redundancy, Setting up n:m redundancy . . . . . . . c-20, Figure c-12 n:m redundancy hierarchy – Comtech EF Data VMS v3.12.x Vipersat User Manual

Page 430: Figure c-13 redunancy manager tree

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N:M Hub Modem Redundancy

MN/22156, rev 12


VMS User Guide

Setting Up N:M Redundancy

There are 3 hierarchal objects in N:M Redundancy, as shown in figure C-12.

They are:


Redundancy Manager

2. Containers

3. Power Strips and Groups

Figure C-12 N:M Redundancy Hierarchy

Expanding the Redundancy Manager icon, shown in figure C-13, shows a typi-

cal N:M redundancy installation. Under the Redundancy Manager service icon

are the icons for a container named Hub, in this example.

Figure C-13 Redunancy Manager Tree

Expanding the Hub icon shows additional icons such as the remote controllable

switch labeled S1 in this example, and a group labeled Hub1.