Comtech EF Data CTOG-250 User Manual
Page 79

CTOG-250 Comtech Traffic Optimization Gateway
Revision 1
Updating Firmware
• Once the Management IP address is known – use Command-line to PING: Type “ping” at the Command-line prompt (where ‘’ is the unit
Management IP Address).
The response should confirm whether or not the unit is properly connected and
2. Use Command-line to transfer (FTP) the files from the user PC to the CTOG-250:
• Type "ftp" (where ‘’ denotes the Management IP
address of the unit being updated.
• Enter the username and password assigned to the unit. The default username and
password is “comtech”.
• Type “bin” to set the binary transfer mode.
• Type "put FW0020601x_ctog250.bin" (where ‘x’ denotes the revision letter) at the
Command-line prompt, without quotes, to begin the file transfer. The process
sequences through several blocks – this may take several minutes for the transfer to
occur. Once the update file is received, the image is written to Flash memory and the
unit transmits the message “UPLOAD COMPLETE.”
In the event you receive the “Connection closed by remote host.” message,
wait another minute before continuing. The CDM-800 update sometimes
takes longer than the FTP client allows.
• Type "bye" to terminate the FTP session, and then close the Command-line window.
3. Use the serial interface or the Web Server Interface ‘Admin | Firmware’ page to verify that
the PC-to-Unit FTP file transfer was successful.
4. Use the CTOG-250 Web Server Interface to select the firmware and reboot the unit:
A. Select the desired Boot Slot (Image):
• Go to the Web Server Interface ‘Admin | Firmware’ page.
• Use the ‘Boot From:’ drop-down menu to select Latest, Slot 1, or Slot 2 (in the
Firmware Configuration section).
By default, the unit will boot from the Slot that stores the firmware version having
the latest date (Boot From: Latest). ‘Boot From:’ may also be set to force the unit to
boot up using either firmware image loaded in Slot 1 or Slot 2.
• Click [Submit] to save the setting.