Comtech EF Data CTOG-250 User Manual

Page 230

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CTOG-250 Comtech Traffic Optimization Gateway

Revision 1

Appendix E



Figure E-3. Outbound ACM ModCod Transitions vs. Es/No Customer Margin @ 0 dB

Figure E-3 presents a practical set of ModCods based on ModCod selection. The pruned

(inactive) ModCods are shown along the baseline of the plot. The transition to the next higher

ModCod is the

Es/No (spec) + Es/No Tar get Margin (user s elected) +

hysteresis (0.5 dB) + modulation impairment (user selected)

, while a step

down is the



+ Es/No Target Marg in + modulation imp airment

. In this

example, the

Target Es/No Margin


Modulation Impairmen

t are zero.