Add checks to a profile – Adobe Acrobat XI User Manual
Page 576
Preflight (Acrobat Pro)
Last updated 1/14/2015
A Search B Description C Alerts D CreateNew Check And Include in Current Profile E Duplicate Check And Assign To Current Profile F Edit
Check G RemoveCheck From Profile H IncludeIn Profile I New Check J Duplicate Check K Edit Check L Delete Check
Add checks to a profile
Acrobat includes several predefined preflight profiles, which you can use as is or modify to create custom profiles. You
can modify a profile that nearly meets your needs by adding one or more checks that analyze the document using
different criteria. For example, an existing check might detect all text that is not plain black—that is, text that uses black
plus some amount of cyan, magenta, and yellow. Because this could be a problem when you print small text, you could
modify the check so that it flags text objects that use more than one color and have a text size equal to or smaller than
12 points.
You can reuse a check in any profile where it’s needed. Keep in mind, however, that if you modify a check that’s being
used in multiple profiles, the check is modified in every profile that uses it. To avoid making unnecessary modifications,
rename the check for a particular profile. Before editing a preflight profile, you must unlock it.
In the Preflight dialog box, select a profile, and click the Edit link next to the profile name, or choose Edit Preflight
Profiles from the Options menu.
Choose Unlocked from the pop-up menu at the upper left.
Select Custom Checks from the list of items displayed under the profile name.
Work with the panels by doing any of the following:
• To quickly find a specific check, type all or part of its name in the search box. Only those items containing the
search term are displayed. Removing the name from the search box displays all the checks again.