Downloading asian fonts to a printer, Output options (acrobat pro) – Adobe Acrobat XI User Manual
Page 431

Last updated 1/14/2015
Discolored Background Correction
Prevents printing problems like red boxes over graphics, or pages printing
mirrored or upside down. These problems can occur when Acrobat or Reader cannot use the default Color Rendering
Dictionaries (CRDs) on some PostScript printers.
Always Use Host Collation (Acrobat Pro)
Specifies if you want Acrobat to always use host collation for printing without
checking the printer driver. Acrobat uses printer collation by default. Printer collation sends the print jobs separately
to the printer and allows the printer to figure out how to collate the pages. For example if you send out two copies of a
two page job, the printer receives two jobs of two pages. Host collation figures out how to collate the pages in Acrobat
and then sends that job to the printer. For example if you send out two copies of a two page job, the printer receives a
single rearranged job of four pages.
Print As Image
Prints pages as bitmap images. Select this option if normal printing doesn’t produce the desired results,
and specify a resolution. This option is available only for PostScript printers.
Downloading Asian fonts to a printer
Select the Download Asian Fonts option in the Advanced Print Setup dialog box if you want to print a PDF with Asian
fonts that aren’t installed on the printer or embedded in the document. Embedded fonts are downloaded whether or
not this option is selected. You can use this option with a PostScript Level 2 or higher printer. To make Asian fonts
available for downloading to a printer, be sure you have downloaded the fonts to your computer using the Custom or
Complete installation option during installation of Acrobat.
If Download Asian Fonts is not selected, the PDF prints correctly only if the referenced fonts are installed on the printer.
If the printer has similar fonts, the printer substitutes those. If there are no suitable fonts on the printer, Courier is used
for the text.
If Download Asian Fonts does not produce the results you want, print the PDF as a bitmap image. Printing a document
as an image may take longer than using a substituted printer font.
Note: Some fonts cannot be downloaded to a printer, either because the font is a bitmap or because font embedding is
restricted in that document. In these cases, a substitute font is used for printing, and the printed output may not match the
screen display.
Output options (Acrobat Pro)
Use the Output panel of the Advanced Print Setup dialog box to set output options.
Presents composite and separations options. Other options become available in the Output panel depending on
your selection in this menu. For more information about color composite and separations, see
Specifies if the orientation of the page on the media. Flip horizontal for wrong-reading documents, flip vertical to
change vertical orientation. This option is only enabled for separations and disabled for composites.
Select this option to print the document reversed. For example, black appears as white on the resulting
output. This option is only enabled for separations and disabled for composites.
Specifies the lines per inch (lpi) and dots per inch (dpi) combinations.
Specifies if trapping is off. Click Trap Presets to manage trapping presets.
Transparency Flattener Preset
Flattens transparent objects according to the preset you choose.
Simulate Overprinting
Simulates the effects of overprinting spot inks in composite output and converts spot colors to
process colors for printing; the document itself is unchanged. This option is useful for printing devices that don’t
support overprinting and is available only if you choose Composite from the Color menu. If you intend to use a file for
separations on a RIP (raster image processor) or for final output, don’t select this option.