Open the stamps palette, Apply a stamp, Change a stamp’s location or appearance – Adobe Acrobat XI User Manual

Page 328: Move a stamp to the favorites list

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Last updated 1/14/2015

A Dynamic stamp B Sign Here stamp C Standard business stamp D Custom stamp

For a tutorial on creating dynamic stamps, see Dynamic Stamp Secrets at


Open the Stamps palette

Choose Comment >Annotations > Stamps > Show Stamps Palette.

Apply a stamp


Select a stamp by doing one of the following:

• Click the Stamp tool. The most recently used stamp is selected.

• In the Stamps Palette, choose a category from the menu, and then select a stamp.


Click the document page where you want to place the stamp, or drag a rectangle to define the size and placement of
the stamp.


If you haven’t provided a name in the Identity preferences, the Identity Setup dialog box prompts you to do so.

Change a stamp’s location or appearance

Using the Select tool or the Hand tool, do any of the following:

• To move a stamp, drag it to a new location.

• To resize a stamp, click it, and then drag a corner handle.

• To rotate a stamp, click it, move the pointer over the handle at the top of the stamp, and drag when the rotate

stamp icon


• To delete a stamp, right-click the stamp and choose Delete.

• To change the stamp’s opacity or the color of its pop-up note, right-click the stamp, and choose Properties. In the

Appearance tab, set the opacity or color.

Move a stamp to the favorites list


Using the Select tool or the Hand tool, select a stamp markup on the page.


In the Annotations panel, click the Stamp tool and choose Add Current Stamp To Favorites.

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