Recognize text - general settings dialog box, Correct ocr text in pdfs – Adobe Acrobat XI User Manual
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Creating PDFs
Last updated 1/14/2015
In the Recognize Text - General Settings dialog box, specify the options, and then click OK.
Recognize Text - General Settings dialog box
Primary OCR Language
Specifies the language for the OCR engine to use to identify the characters.
PDF Output Style
Determines the type of PDF to produce. All options require an input resolution of 72 dpi or higher
(recommended). All formats apply OCR and font and page recognition to the text images and convert them to normal
Searchable Image
Ensures that text is searchable and selectable. This option keeps the original image, deskews it as
needed, and places an invisible text layer over it. The selection for Downsample Images in this same dialog box
determines whether the image is downsampled and to what extent.
Searchable Image (Exact)
Ensures that text is searchable and selectable. This option keeps the original image and places
an invisible text layer over it. Recommended for cases requiring maximum fidelity to the original image.
Synthesizes a new Type 3 font that closely approximates the original, and preserves the page background
using a low-resolution copy.
Downsample To
Decreases the number of pixels in color, grayscale, and monochrome images after OCR is complete.
Choose the degree of downsampling to apply. Higher-numbered options do less downsampling, producing higher-
resolution PDFs.
Correct OCR text in PDFs
When you run OCR on a scanned output, Acrobat analyzes bitmaps of text and substitutes words and characters for
those bitmap areas. If the ideal substitution is uncertain, Acrobat marks the word as suspect. Suspects appear in the
PDF as the original bitmap of the word, but the text is included on an invisible layer behind the bitmap of the word.
This method makes the word searchable even though it is displayed as a bitmap.
: If you try to select text in a scanned PDF that does not have OCR applied, or try to perform a Read Out Loud
operation on an image file, Acrobat asks if you want to run OCR. If you click OK, the Text Recognition dialog box opens
and you can select options, which are described in detail under the previous topic.
Do one of the following:
• Choose Tools > Text Recognition > Find All Suspects. All suspect words on the page are enclosed in boxes. Click
any suspect word to show the suspect text in theFind Element dialog box.
• Choose Tools > Text Recognition > Find First Suspect.
: If you close the Find Element window before correcting all suspect words, you can return to the process by
choosing Tools > Text Recognition > Find First Suspect, or by clicking any suspect word with the Edit Document
Text tool.
In the Find option, choose OCR Suspects.
Compare the word in the Suspect text box with the actual word in the scanned document. To correct an OCR
suspect, click the highlighted object in the document and type in the new text. If the suspect was incorrectly
identified as text, click the Not Text button.
Review and correct the remaining suspect words, and then close the Find Element dialog box.
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