Pdfs converted to web pages, Links and bookmarks in web pages, Get information on converted web pages – Adobe Acrobat XI User Manual

Page 189: Compare converted pages with current web pages

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Editing PDFs

Last updated 1/14/2015

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PDFs converted to web pages

Links and bookmarks in web pages

You can work with a PDF document created from web pages the same way you work with any other PDF. Depending
on how you configured Acrobat, clicking a link on a converted web page adds the page for that link to the end of the
PDF, if it isn’t already included.

Note: Remember that one web page can become multiple PDF pages. A web page is a single topic (or URL) from a website
and is often one continuous HTML page. When you convert a web page to PDF, it may be divided into multiple standard-
size PDF pages.

When you first create a PDF from web pages, tagged bookmarks are generated if Create Bookmarks is selected in the
Web PageConversion Settings dialog box. A standard (untagged) bookmark representing the web server appears at the
top of the Bookmarks tab. Under that bookmark is a tagged bookmark for each web page downloaded; the tagged
bookmark’s name comes from the page’s HTML title or the URL, if no title is present. Tagged web bookmarks are
initially all at the same level, but you can rearrange them and nest them in family groups to help keep track of the
hierarchy of material on the web pages.

If Create PDF Tags is selected when you create a PDF from web pages, structure information that corresponds to the
HTML structure of the original pages is stored in the PDF. You can use this information to add tagged bookmarks to
the file for paragraphs and other items that have HTML elements.

Get information on converted web pages

You can display a dialog box with the current page’s URL, title, date and time downloaded, and other information.

Choose Tools > Document Processing > Web Capture > Page Info.

Compare converted pages with current web pages

To open a page or web link, do one of the following:

• To open the current page in a web browser, choose Tools > Document Processing > Web Capture >Open Page

In Web Browser.

• To open the bookmarked page, right-click a tagged bookmark, and choose Open Page In Web Browser.

• To open a linked page, right-click a link in the PDF version of the web page, and choose Open Web Link In


The browser opens in a new application window to the page you specify.

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