Add an action to a bookmark, Delete a bookmark, Create a bookmark hierarchy – Adobe Acrobat XI User Manual

Page 204: Nest one or more bookmarks, Move bookmarks out of a nested position

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Last updated 1/14/2015

Note: The Set Bookmark Destination option is context sensitive. It appears only when you have an existing bookmark

Add an action to a bookmark


In the Bookmarks panel, select a bookmark.


From the options menu

, choose Properties.


In the Bookmark Properties dialog box, click Actions.


Choose an action from the Select Action menu, and click Add.

Delete a bookmark

In the Bookmarks panel, select a bookmark or range of bookmarks, and then press Delete.

Note: Deleting a bookmark deletes any bookmarks that are subordinate to it. Deleting a bookmark does not delete any
document text.

Create a bookmark hierarchy

You can nest a list of bookmarks to show a relationship between topics. Nesting creates a parent/child relationship. You
can expand and collapse this hierarchical list as desired.

Nest one or more bookmarks


Select the bookmark or range of bookmarks you want to nest.


Drag the icon or icons directly underneath the parent bookmark icon. The Line icon shows the position of the
icon or icons.

The bookmark is nested; however, the actual page remains in its original location in the document.

Move bookmarks out of a nested position


Select the bookmark or range of bookmarks you want to move.


Move the selection by doing one of the following:

• Drag the icon or icons, positioning the arrow directly under the label of the parent bookmark.

• Choose Cut from the options menu

, select the parent bookmark, and then choose Paste Under Selected

Bookmark from the options menu.

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