About javascript in acrobat, Action wizard (acrobat pro), About action wizards – Adobe Acrobat XI User Manual

Page 222: Run an action

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Editing PDFs

Last updated 1/14/2015

On Lose Focus (media clips only)

When the focus moves to a different link area.

About JavaScript in Acrobat

The JavaScript language was developed by Netscape Communications as a means to create interactive web pages more
easily. Adobe has enhanced JavaScript so that you can easily integrate this level of interactivity into your PDF

You can invoke JavaScript code using actions associated with bookmarks, links, and pages. The Set Document Actions
command lets you create document-level JavaScript actions that apply to the entire document. For example, selecting
Document Did Save runs the JavaScript after a document is saved.

Acrobat Pro is required to use JavaScript with forms and action wizards.

In Acrobat Pro, you can also use JavaScript with PDF forms and action wizard. The most common uses for JavaScript
in forms are formatting data, calculating data, validating data, and assigning an action. Field-level scripts are associated
with a specific form field or fields, such as a button. This type of script is executed when an event occurs, such as a
Mouse Up action.

To learn how to create JavaScript scripts, download the JavaScript manuals from the Adobe website. Developing
Acrobat®Applications Using JavaScript™
contains background information and tutorials, and the JavaScript™ for
Acrobat®API Reference
contains detailed reference information. These and other JavaScript resources are located on the
Adobe website.

Action wizard (Acrobat Pro)

About Action wizards

When you apply one or more routine sets of commands to your files, you can save time and keystrokes by using an
action wizard—a defined series of commands with specific settings and in a specific order that you apply in a single
step. You can apply an action to a single document, to several documents, or to an entire collection of documents. You
can even scan documents and combine several documents into a single PDF before running an action.

Acrobat provides some predefined action wizards. You can also create your own actions. You can access and manage
the actions in the Tools > Action Wizard panel.

Adobe Acrobat XI also lets you export and import actions so that you can share actions with others.

Note: The actions interface and architecture replace the batch script mode available in the earlier versions of Adobe Acrobat
XI. Most of your Acrobat 9 batch scripts can be imported as actions; some scripts require minor changes.

Run an action

Acrobat includes several simple predefined actions that you can use to streamline your work. These actions represent
common tasks that you routinely perform to prepare files for distribution. You do not have to open any of the PDF files
before you begin to run these actions.

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