Model tree overview – Adobe Acrobat XI User Manual
Page 507

Multimedia and 3D models
Last updated 1/14/2015
Note: The items that appear on the Options menu depend on whether the 3D model is composed of just one part or
multiple parts. Many of these options are also available by right-clicking a part in the 3D model.
Model Render Mode
Changes the surface appearance of the entire 3D model according to the item you choose from
the submenu: Transparent Bounding Box, Solid, Transparent, Solid Wireframe, and so on.
Show All Parts
Displays the entire 3D model.
Fit Visible
Displays all visible parts and centers them in the view.
Show Physical Properties
Displays the surface area and volume (if available) in the Object Data pane of the Model
Display Bounding Box
Displays the box that encloses the 3D object or selected parts of the model.
Set Bounding Box Color
Changes the color of the bounding box. Choose this option, select a color, and then click
Displays the model without showing the selected parts. You can also select and deselect check boxes in the top
pane of the Model Tree to hide and show different parts.
Displays only the selected part, hiding all others.
Isolate Part
Displays the geometry, the Product Manufacturing Information (PMI), and all views (including PMI
views) for the isolated part only. Views and information for all other parts are hidden or deselected. Changes occur
in the Model Tree as well. In the Structure pane (top), only the isolated part is selected. The structure of the other
parts is available but deselected. The View pane (middle) lists only the views that have been defined for the isolated
part, including PMI views. If you click a view, you see only the PMI for that view in the document pane. (To view
the PMI for the isolated part, make sure 3D PMI is selected in the Structure pane.) The View pane hides views related
to the assembly or other parts, including custom views created in Acrobat. You can add parts to the view by selecting
them in the Model Tree. You can also use the Hide/Show commands in the options menu of the Model Tree. To
cancel the isolated part, do any of the following:
• Select another part with the Isolate Part command.
• Select the top assembly in the Model Tree.
• Select the Home View button.
Zoom To Part
Changes the center focus from the entire 3D model to the selected parts. This setting is especially
useful for rotating a part, allowing the rotation to occur around the center focus of the part rather than around the
entire model.
Part Render Mode
Displays all of the rendering modes that are available for the part. The rendering mode changes
the appearance of the 3D model according to the rendering mode you choose.
Displays a see-through version of the selected part.
Export As XML
Creates a separate XML file of either Whole Tree or Current Node of the 3D model.
Export As CSV
Creates a separate file in CSV format that contains all of the model data. You can export the data from
the whole Model Tree or a selected node. The file can be opened in any program that supports CSV formatting, such
as Microsoft Excel.
Note: If the 3D model includes Product Manufacturing Information (PMI), options for showing and hiding the PMI are
available on this menu.
Model Tree overview
The Model Tree appears in the navigation pane on the left side of the work area. You can also open the Model Tree by
clicking the Toggle Model Tree button
on the 3D toolbar. Or, right-click the 3D model and choose Show Model Tree.