Cross-section properties – Adobe Acrobat XI User Manual
Page 509

Multimedia and 3D models
Last updated 1/14/2015
Click the Toggle Cross Section icon
on the 3D toolbar to turn on or off the cross section.
(Optional) Click the arrow next to the Toggle Cross Section icon, and choose Cross Section Properties, which opens
the Cross Section Properties dialog box. Then do any of the following:
• Change settings under Alignment, Display Settings, and Position And Orientation.
• Click the Save Section View button to save the current cross-sectional view. (The saved view will appear on the
Views menu in the 3D toolbar and in the View pane of the Model Tree with a default name, SectionView[n].)
Cross-section properties
Changes you make here are applied immediately. To see these changes, make sure that the Cross Section Properties
dialog box does not block your view of the active 3D model. The Cross Section Properties dialog box remains on top if
you focus or interact with the underlying PDF. To close it, click the Close button in the upper-right corner.
Enable Cross Section
When selected, makes the other options available.
Determines the axis (x, y, or z) to which the cross-section aligns.
Align To Face
Cuts the cross-section on a plane defined by the surface of any face that you then click in the 3D model.
(The dialog box is dimmed until you click the face of a model part.)
Align To 3 Points
Cuts the cross-section on a plane defined by any three points that you click the 3D model. (The dialog
box is dimmed until you click three points of a model.)
Show Intersections
Indicates where the cutting plane slices the 3D model by adding a colored outline. Click the color
swatch if you want to select a different color.
Show Cutting Plane
Displays the two-dimensional field that cuts the 3D model. Click the color swatch to select a
different color, and enter a different percentage to change the opacity of the plane.
Ignore Selected Parts
Removes the selected parts from the cross-section view.
Show Transparent
Displays parts that are not part of the cross-section.
Cutting Plane Opacity
Defines the transparency level of the cutting plane.
Align Camera With Cutting Plane
Rotates the 3D model so that it is level with the cutting plane.
Determines how much of the 3D model is sliced. Drag the slider left or right, or change the percentage.