Retrace your viewing path, Navigate with links, Pdfs with file attachments – Adobe Acrobat XI User Manual
Page 43: Article threads, Open and navigate an article thread

Last updated 1/14/2015
Retrace your viewing path
You can find PDF pages that you viewed earlier by retracing your viewing path. It’s helpful to understand the difference
between previous and next pages and previous and next views. In the case of pages, previous and next refer to the two
adjacent pages, before and after the currently active page. In the case of views, previous and next refer to your viewing
history. For example, if you jump forward and backward in a document, your viewing history retraces those steps,
showing you the pages you viewed in the reverse order that you viewed them.
Choose View > Page Navigation > Previous View.
To continue seeing another part of your path, do either of the following:
• Repeat step 1.
• Choose View > Page Navigation > Next View.
Note: You can make the Previous View button
and Next View button
available in the toolbar area by right-
clicking the Page Navigation toolbar and choosing them on the context menu, or choosing Show All Tools.
Navigate with links
Links can take you to another location in the current document, to other PDF documents, or to websites. Clicking a
link can also open file attachments and play 3D content, movies, and sound clips. To play these media clips, you must
have the appropriate hardware and software installed.
The person who created the PDF document determines what links look like in the PDF.
Note: Unless a link was created in Acrobat using the Link tool, you must have the Create Links From URLs option selected
in the General preferences for a link to work correctly.
Choose the Select tool.
Position the pointer over the linked area on the page until the pointer changes to the hand with a pointing finger. A
plus sign (+) or a w appears within the hand if the link points to the web. Then click the link.
PDFs with file attachments
If you open a PDF that has one or more attached files, the Attachments panel automatically opens, listing the attached
files. You can open these files for viewing, edit the attachments, and save your changes, as permitted by the document
If you move the PDF to a new location, the attachments automatically move with it.
Article threads
In PDFs, articles are optional electronic threads that the PDF author may define within that PDF. Articles lead readers
through the PDF content, jumping over pages or areas of the page that are not included in the article, in the same way
that you might skim through a traditional newspaper or magazine, following one specific story and ignoring the rest.
When you read an article, the page view may zoom in or out so that the current part of the article fills the screen.
Open and navigate an article thread
Click the Hand tool on the Common Tools toolbar.
Choose View > Show/Hide > Navigation Panes > Articles to open the Articles panel.
Note: You cannot open the Articles panel if you are viewing the PDF inside a web browser. You must open the PDF in