Auto-complete forms (interactive forms only), Enable the auto-complete option, Delete an entry from the auto-complete memory – Adobe Acrobat XI User Manual
Page 230: Change flat forms to fillable (acrobat pro)

Last updated 1/14/2015
Auto-Complete forms (interactive forms only)
The Auto-Complete feature stores any entries that you type in an interactive form field. Auto-Complete then suggests
or even automatically enters responses that match your typing in other form fields. The suggestions appear in a pop-
up menu, from which you can select a match. The Auto-Complete feature is off by default, so you must enable it in the
forms preferences if you want to use it.
To remove an entry from the Auto-Complete memory, such as a misspelled entry that you found and corrected later,
edit the list in the preferences.
Note: The forms preferences apply to the way the application handles open forms as you work. The preferences aren’t saved
with the PDF forms themselves.
Enable the Auto-Complete option
Choose Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Acrobat/Adobe Reader > Preferences (Mac OS).
Select Forms on the left.
Under Auto-Complete, choose Basic or Advanced from the menu.
Select Remember Numerical Data if you want the Auto-Complete memory to store numbers that you type into
When you select an option in the Auto-Complete menu, a description of how it affects the Auto-Complete behavior
appears in the text area below.
Delete an entry from the Auto-Complete memory
Open the Preferences dialog box.
Select Forms on the left.
Click Edit Entry List.
In the Auto-Complete Entry List dialog box, do one of the following, and then click Yes in the confirmation dialog
• To remove all of the entries, click Remove All.
• To remove some of the entries, select the entries and click Remove. (Shift-click to select multiple adjacent entries;
Ctrl-click to select multiple nonadjacent entries.)
Change flat forms to fillable (Acrobat Pro)
You can change a flat form to fillable by either using the Form wizard or by simply enabling the Add Text tool. Acrobat
and Reader XI users can use the Add Text tool to fill in flat forms. However, earlier versions of Reader do not include
the Add Text tool (or Typewriter tool) unless you explicitly enable it in the PDF.
Interactive form
To create an interactive form, use the Form wizard. See
Create a form from an existing document
Enter (keypad)
Accepts typing and deselects current form field
(Windows) Ctrl+Tab
Inserts tab into text field
(Mac) Alt+Tab
Inserts tab into text field