Create a link, Create a link using the link tool, Additional resources – Adobe Acrobat XI User Manual
Page 211: Edit a link, Move or resize a link rectangle

Editing PDFs
Last updated 1/14/2015
Create a link
Links let you jump to other locations in the same document, to other electronic documents including attachments, or
to websites. You can use links to initiate actions or to ensure that your reader has immediate access to related
information. You can also add actions to play a sound or movie file.
Create a link using the Link tool
Choose Tools > Content Editing > Add or Edit Link.
The pointer becomes a cross hair, and any existing links in the document, including invisible links, are temporarily
Drag a rectangle where you want to create a link. This is the area in which the link is active.
In the Create Link dialog box, choose the options you want for the link appearance.
Select one of the following link actions:
Go To A Page View
Click Next to set the page number and view magnification you want in the current document or
in another document (such as a file attachment), and then click Set Link.
Open A File
Select the destination file and click Select. If the file is a PDF, specify how the document should open
(for example in a new window or within an existing window), and then click OK.
Note: If the filename is too long to fit in the text box, the middle of the name is truncated.
Open A Web Page
Provide the URL of the destination web page.
Custom Link
Click Next to open the Link Properties dialog box. In this dialog box, you can set any action, such as
reading an article, or executing a menu command, to be associated with the link.
Additional resources
For tutorials on creating links, see these resources:
• Adding links to an Acrobat page:
• Creating hyperlinks in Adobe Acrobat:
Edit a link
You can edit a link at any time. You can change its hotspot area or associated link action, delete or resize the link
rectangle, or change the destination of the link. Changing the properties of an existing link affects only the currently
selected link. If a link isn’t selected, the properties will apply to the next link you create.
You can change the properties of several links at once if you drag a rectangle to select them using the Link tool or the
Select Object tool.
Move or resize a link rectangle
Select the Add or Edit Link tool
(Tools > Content Editing > Add or Edit Link).
Move the pointer over the link rectangle so that the handles appear.
Do one of the following:
• To move the link rectangle, drag it.
• To resize the link rectangle, drag any corner point.