Create output intents, Extract an output intent for reuse, Export an icc profile from an output intent – Adobe Acrobat XI User Manual

Page 562: Delete an output intent

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Preflight (Acrobat Pro)

Last updated 1/14/2015

Create output intents


On the Output Intents tab of Preflight Preferences, do one of the following:

• To create a new output intent from scratch, click the Create A New Output Intent icon


• To create an output intent based on an existing one, select an option from the list on the left, and then click the

Duplicate Selected Output Intent icon

. An integer is appended to the name of the duplicated output intent.


Set output intent options.

Extract an output intent for reuse

You can extract an embedded output intent from another PDF, and then add it to the list of output intents in Preflight


On the Output Intents tab of Preflight Preferences, click Capture.


Locate the file with the embedded output intent you want and open it.

The output intent appears at the end of the list, with a name that indicates it was captured from a certain type of file,
for example, “Captured Output Intent from PDF/X file.”

Export an ICC profile from an output intent


On the Output Intents tab ofPreflight Preferences, select the output intent and click ExportICC Profile.


Specify a name and location, and click Save.

The ICC profile appears with the other ICC profiles in the Profiles folder.

Delete an output intent


On the Output Intents tab of Preflight Preferences, select the output intent and click Delete



Confirm the deletion.

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