Standards panel options – Adobe Acrobat XI User Manual
Page 153

Creating PDFs
Last updated 1/14/2015
Save Portable Job Ticket Inside PDF File
Preserves a PostScript job ticket in a PDF. Job tickets describe the PostScript
file and can be used later in a workflow or for printing the PDF.
Use and
Sends a prologue and epilogue file with each job. These files can be used to add
custom PostScript code that you want to have executed at the beginning or end of every PostScript job being converted.
Sample and files are located in (Windows) /Documents and Settings/All Users/Application
Data/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Distiller/Data, (Vista) /Users/All Users/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Distiller/Data, (Windows 7)
/Users/[Username]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Distiller/Data or (Mac OS)/Library/Application
Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Distiller/Data.
In Windows Explorer, the Application Data folder is typically hidden; to make it visible, choose Tools > Folder Options,
click the View tab, and select Show Hidden Files And Folders. For Windows 7, Start > Control Panel > Folder Options
> View > Show Hidden Files, Folders, and Drives. Or, you can type the path into the Address text box.
Note: In Acrobat Standard, Distiller processes prologue and epilogue files only if both files are present and located properly.
The two files must be used together.
Note: In Acrobat Pro, Distiller processes prologue and epilogue files only if both files are present and located properly. The
two files must be used together. If the prologue and epilogue files are at the same level as the In and Out folders of a watched
folder, they are used instead of the ones in the Distiller folder.
Process DSC Comments
Maintains DSC information from a PostScript file.
Log DSC Warnings
Displays warning messages about problematic DSC comments during processing and adds them to
a log file.
Preserve EPS Information From DSC
Retains information for an EPS file, such as the originating application and
creation date.
Preserve OPI Comments
Retains information needed to replace a For Placement Only (FPO) image or comment with
the high-resolution image located on servers that support Open Prepress Interface (OPI) versions 1.3 and 2.0. For more
information, see the OPI 2.0 specification at
(PDF, English only).
Preserve Document Information From DSC
Retains document properties, such as the title, creation date, and time, in
the PDF.
Resize Page And Center Artwork For EPS Files
Centers an EPS image and resizes the page to fit closely around the
image. If deselected, the page is sized and centered based on the upper left corner of the upper left object and lower
right corner of the lower right object on the page. This option applies only to jobs that consist of a single EPS file.
Standards panel options
By using Standards options, you can check document content in the PostScript file to make sure it meets standard
PDF/X1-a, PDF/X-3, or PDF/A criteria before creating the PDF. For PDF/X-compliant files, you can also require that
the PostScript file meet additional criteria by selecting options in the Standards panel. The availability of options
depends on the standard you select. You can also create a PDF/X file from a compliant PDF by using the Preflight
feature in Acrobat.
Complies with the PDF/X standard for high-resolution print production.
Note: PDFMaker, the conversion method used to convert Microsoft Word and other application files to PDF, does not create
PDF/X-compliant files.
Complies with the PDF/A standard for archival documents.