Select multiple form fields, Resize and arrange form fields, Resize a form field – Adobe Acrobat XI User Manual

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Last updated 1/14/2015

Select multiple form fields

Selecting multiple form fields is the first step for several tasks, such as creating copies, aligning form fields, and
adjusting the spacing between form fields.


If you are not in the form editing mode, choose Tools > Forms > Edit.


Do any of the following:

• To select all form fields of all types, choose Edit > Select All.

• To select a range of form fields, click the first form field in the range, and then Shift-click the last form field. All

form fields between the two form fields are selected.

• To select individual form fields in different parts of the PDF page, Ctrl-click each form field.

• To select all form fields in an area of the page, use the Select Object tool to drag a selection marquee around

the area.

• To deselect an individual form field, Ctrl-click that field.

The field that is highlighted in dark blue and displays the border handles is the anchor. When you select multiple
form fields by clicking, the last field selected is the anchor. When you use a marquee, the form field that was created
first is the anchor. If you Ctrl-click to deselect the anchor, the form field located in the upper left of the selection
becomes the new anchor form field.

Resize and arrange form fields

After you create form fields, you can rearrange, resize, or move them to give the page a cleaner, more professional look.

You adjust the layout of form fields in the form editing mode (choose Tools > Forms > Edit).

Resize a form field


If you are not in the form editing mode, choose Tools > Forms > Edit.


Select the form field that you want to resize.


Do any of the following:

• To resize the field manually, drag a border handle. Hold Shift and drag a corner handle to maintain the current

aspect ratio of the form field.

• To resize the field by one pixel, press Ctrl+Arrow key; to resize the fields by ten pixels, press Ctrl+Shift+Arrow


• To resize to a specific dimension, right-click the field and choose Properties. Then click the Position tab, and

adjust the Width and Height values.

Resize multiple form fields to match a selected form field


If you are not in the form editing mode, choose Tools > Forms > Edit.


Select all the form fields that you want to resize.


Right-click the form field that you want the other selected form fields to match. Choose Set Fields To Same Size, and
then select one of the following:


Adjusts the heights without changing the widths.


Adjusts the widths without changing the heights.


Adjust all widths and heights to match.

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