Lightning protection, Building entrance protection, Network line protection – Echelon Series 6000 Chip databook User Manual

Page 98: Shield protection, Suggested gas discharge arresters

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There are two levels of network testing that are relevant to Series 6000 devices:

Level 3, which represents a typical industrial environment, injects ±1 kV bursts

continuously for 60 seconds

Level 4 which represents a severe industrial environment, injects ±2 kV bursts

continuously for 60 seconds

In addition, burst testing is performed on the power supply input cable. For Series 6000

devices, the following levels of power supply input testing are relevant:

Level 3, which represents a typical industrial environment, injects ±2 kV bursts

continuously for 60 seconds

Level 4 which represents a severe industrial environment, injects ±4 kV bursts

continuously for 60 seconds

Lightning Protection

Protection against lightning is required when designing control networks that run outside of


Building Entrance Protection

Echelon recommends using shielded twisted-pair wire for all networks, or portions of

networks, that are run outside of buildings or grounded structures. The shield, as well as

the two network lines, should be connected to Earth ground through Data Line

Lightning/Surge arresters at each building entry point. This connection conducts excessive

energy surges or lightning strike energy directly to Earth and prevents their entry inside the

building through the network shield or data line conductors. Therefore, three arresters

should be used at each building entrance for shielded twisted-pair wiring.

Network Line Protection

The arresters used on the network data lines must be of the Gas Discharge type. The

intrinsically low capacitance to ground of these devices, typically less than 5 pF, minimizes

the corruption of any data signals. Due to their low capacitance construction, the use of Gas

Discharge devices does not alter the maximum number of devices allowed per network

Important: MOV and TVS protection devices must not be used on the network data lines

because of their much higher capacitance (>200 pF) and potentially poor differential

capacitance matching. These devices can corrupt, and possibly prevent, network

communication between devices.

Shield Protection

Gas Discharge, MOV, or TVS devices can be used for the shield-to-ground protection.

MOV and TVS devices should not be used to protect the network data lines.

Suggested Gas Discharge Arresters

Three-electrode device configurations are suggested for the data network lines, because they

require the use of only one physical device to protect both lines. The network lines should be

connected to the two outside ends of the arrester, while the middle terminal must be


Design and Test for Electromagnetic Compatibility