Jtag interface, Ee jtag interface – Echelon Series 6000 Chip databook User Manual

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background image

failure in the device. The write-protected part of the flash contains the bootloader, active

system image, and active application.

JTAG Interface

All Series 6000 chips provide an interface for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics

Engineers (IEEE) Standard Test Access Port and Boundary-Scan Architecture (IEEE 1149.1-

1990) of the Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) to allow a Series 6000 chip to be included in the

boundary-scan chain for device production tests.
You can obtain a Boundary Scan Description Language (BSDL) file from the Echelon Web


for a Neuron 6000 Processor for an FT 6000

Smart Transceiver

The JTAG interface for Series 6000 chips can operate at up to 5 MHz. The JTAG interface

includes the following pins:

TDI — Test Data In (pin 21)

Used to shift in serial test instructions and data. Connect this pin to the TDI signal

of a JTAG connector or to the TDO signal of an upstream device in a JTAG chain.

TDO — Test Data Out (pin 22)

Used to shift out serial test instructions and data. When TDO is not being driven by

the internal circuitry, the pin is in a high impedance state. Connect this pin to the

TDO signal of a JTAG connector or to the TDI signal of a downstream device in a

JTAG chain.

TCK — Test Clock (pin 19)

Provides the clock to run the test access port (TAP) controller state machine, which

controls the JTAG data and instruction registers. You can stop the TCK signal in

either the high or low state, and you can set the clock frequency up to 5 MHz. The

TCK pin supports hysteresis; the typical hysteresis is approximately 300 mV.

TMS — Test Mode Select (pin 20)

Controls test operations of the TAP controller. On the falling edge of the TCK signal,

depending on the state of the TMS signal, the TAP controller state machine changes


TRST~ — Test Reset (pin 17)

Resets the TAP controller state machine.

These pins comply with the JTAG standard protocol (IEEE 1149.1) for boundary scan

operations, and can be used with industry-standard JTAG tools. Each of these pins also

includes an internal pull-up resistor, as recommended by the JTAG standard. These pull-

ups are only strong enough to pull the input up when the pin is floating, but not strong

enough for an external load.
The JTAG interface for Series 6000 chips supports the following JTAG instructions (see the

device BSDL file for instruction register codes):

BYPASS — bypasses the current device (to allow connection to another device in the


Required by the IEEE 1149.1 standard

Series 6000 Chip Data Book