Echelon Series 6000 Chip databook User Manual

Page 118

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I/O Model

Applicable I/O


Total Pins

per Object Input/Output Value

Triac Output


IO0, IO1 + (one of

IO4 – IO7)


Delay of output pulse with

respect to input edge


Count Output

IO0, IO1 + (one of

IO4 – IO7)


Output pulse controlled by

counting input edges


1. The Stretched Triac Output model is available for the following device types: FT

5000, Neuron 5000, FT 6000, and Neuron 6000.

2. Dual-edge triggering is not available for the following device types: Neuron 3150, FT

3150, or PL 3150.

Neuron Chips and Smart Transceivers have two 16-bit timer/counters on-chip. The input to

timer/counter 1, also called the multiplexed timer/counter, is selectable among pins IO4 –

IO7, through a programmable multiplexer and its output can be connected to pin IO0. The

input to timer/counter 2, also called the dedicated timer/counter, can be connected to pin IO4

and its output to pin IO1.
The timer/counters are implemented as a 16-bit load register writable by the CPU, a 16-bit

counter, and a 16-bit latch readable by the CPU. The load register and latch are accessed a

byte at a time. No I/O pins are dedicated to timer/counter functions. If, for example,

timer/counter 1 is used for input signals only, then IO0 is available for other input or output

functions. Timer/counter clock and enable inputs can be from external pins, or from scaled

clocks derived from the system clock; the clock rates of the two timer/counters are

independent of each other. External clock actions occur optionally on the rising edge, the

falling edge, or both rising and falling edges of the input.
For Series 6000 devices, many of the timer/counter I/O models can also trigger interrupt

tasks, which can provide minimum application latency for I/O events that are related to the

timer/counter models. See the Neuron C Programmer’s Guide for more information about

defining and using interrupts for Series 6000 devices.
Multiple timer/counter input objects can be declared on different pins within a single

application. By calling the io_select() function, the application can use the first

timer/counter to implement up to four different input objects. If a timer/counter is

configured to implement one of the output models, or is configured as a quadrature input

object, then it cannot be reassigned to another timer/counter object in the same application

The following guidelines for declaring I/O object types apply to the I/O models shown in

Figure 44:

Up to 16 I/O objects can be declared.

Timer/counter 1 can be multiplexed for up to four input objects.

The neurowire, i2c, magcard, magcard_bitstream, magtrack1, and serial I/O

models are mutually exclusive. One or more of a single type of these I/O models can

be declared in one program.

Because the parallel and muxbus I/O models require all I/O pins for some Neuron

Chips and Smart Transceivers, no other object types can be declared when either of

these objects is declared. You can declare the IO11 pin as a bit input or output in


Input/Output Interfaces for the Series 6000