Server redundancy, Client/server communication capacity – Rockwell Automation 1757-SWKIT5100 ProcessLogix R510.0 Installation and Upgrade Guide User Manual

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Publication 1757-IN510A-EN-P - October 2003

Performance and Capacity Specifications 11-9

Server Redundancy

Database synchronization is performed as a background activity and is
performed online without affecting the operation of the Servers. Time
to complete synchronization will depend on the system configuration
(e.g., database size, history, processor speed).

Client/Server Communication Capacity

Table 11.F Server redundancy specifications

Server Redundancy

Server Switchover Time – Default

30-40 sec

Server Switchover Time – Fastest Configurable Time

10 sec

On Server switchover, the 1757-PLX52 performs an event recovery. This causes the
controller to report all current alarm conditions. The Server will report all current process
alarms and events.

Table 11.G Server communication NetBIOS session capacity

Session type or activity


Time Sync

Active once every configured Time Sync period.

Shared Drives/ Displays

Active continuously, if Station Client get displays from
central Server.

Shared printer

Active continuously if linked to a network printer for
Reports, etc.

Server Redundancy

Uses from 1-3 Server Sessions based upon User/Login
Configuration settings. (Also requires Time-Sync)

ER Server

Active during replication on Redundant Servers.

Multi-User CB

Active during Point Build (uses shared drive)

Snap-Shot Save & Restore

Active during this operation (uses shared drive)

Server Type

Simultaneous NetBIOS sessions available

ProcessLogix Server on Windows
2000 Server

Unlimited (See Microsoft license restrictions)