Installing knowledge builder, Installing knowledge builder -4 – Rockwell Automation 1757-SWKIT5100 ProcessLogix R510.0 Installation and Upgrade Guide User Manual

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Publication 1757-IN510A-EN-P - October 2003

8-4 Supplementary Procedures

Removing R500.1 Knowledge Builder

1 . Click Star t

Settings Contr ol Panel.

2. Double-click Add/Remove Pr ogr ams.

3. To remove a program:

a. Click on the appropriate program in the list of installed


b. Click

Add/Remove, Change/Remove or Remove.

c. Click

Yes to confirm removal.

d. Repeat the steps for each installed component in the

following order.

Installing Knowledge Builder

1 . Insert the ProcessLogix R510.0 Knowledge Builder CD into the

CD-ROM drive.

2. Enter this path or Br ow se to:


(or your CD-ROM drive letter)


3. Click OK to launch the Knowledge Builder setup.


Be sure to remove the components, if installed, in
the order they are listed below.

If at any time during software uninstall, a Remove
shared file prompt appears, click

Yes to all or

Remove all.

If necessary, click

OK or Yes to confirm.

Table 8.C Removing R500.1 Knowledge Builder Components




KB Server - Knowledge Builder Tools 4


KBServer - ProcessLogix R500


KB Client


Knowledge Builder (At the maintenance window, click Remove and