Rockwell Automation 1757-SWKIT5100 ProcessLogix R510.0 Installation and Upgrade Guide User Manual

Page 202

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Publication 1757-IN510A-EN-P - October 2003

7-18 Firmware Maintenance Procedures

1 0. Check Yes, I w ant to launch Contr olFLASH and click Finish.

1 1 . At the Welcome to ControlFLASH window, click Nex t.

1 2. Click 1757-ABRIO and click Nex t.

1 3. Expand RSLinx Tree window to the location of the 1757-ABRIO

module you wish to flash.

1 4. Select the module icon and click OK.

1 5. Confirm that the new revision for this update is 1.2 and click

Nex t.

1 6. At the Summary window, click Finish .

1 7. Click Yes to confirm the flash.

1 8. Click OK.

If this update is successful, the Update Status window displays
the following message in green: Update Complete. Please verify
this new firmware update before using the target device in its
intended application.

1 9. Click OK and then click Cancel at the Welcome to

ControlFLASH Setup window.

20. Click Yes to end the configuration session.