Removing processlogix r400.0 sp2 software, Removing processlogix r400.0 sp2 software -19, Removing selected processlogix r400.0 sp2 – Rockwell Automation 1757-SWKIT5100 ProcessLogix R510.0 Installation and Upgrade Guide User Manual
Page 103: Components -19

Publication 1757-IN510A-EN-P - October 2003
ProcessLogix Server Upgrade Procedures 4-19
7. Close the Add/Remove Programs window.
8. Close the Control Panel window.
9. Using Windows Explorer, delete the folder C:\Honeywell.
1 0. Click Yes, as necessary, to confirm.
1 1 . Empty the Recycle Bin.
1 2. Restart the PC.
Removing ProcessLogix R500.1 Software is complete.
Return to the checklist that led you to this task.
Removing ProcessLogix
R400.0 SP2 Software
This procedure completely removes ProcessLogix software from your
system, including:
• Knowledge Builder
• RSLinx
• Engineering Tools
• Server and/or Station
Removing Selected ProcessLogix R400.0 SP2 Components
1 . If necessary, logon to the system as ps_user.
2. Click Star t
⇒ Settings ⇒ Contr ol Panel.
3. Double-click Add/Remove Pr ogr ams.
Before installing or uninstalling any software
component, you
MUST exit all ProcessLogix
applications and stop all ProcessLogix services. You
must complete the procedure in Stopping
ProcessLogix Applications and Services on page 8-1
before continuing.
If you have a redundant server pair, you must
complete this procedure on
SERVERB first. Then
complete the entire procedure again on