Updating firmware in the 1757-abrio module, Updating firmware in the 1757-abrio module -17 – Rockwell Automation 1757-SWKIT5100 ProcessLogix R510.0 Installation and Upgrade Guide User Manual

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Publication 1757-IN510A-EN-P - October 2003

Firmware Maintenance Procedures 7-17

1 1 . If you made no changes to dialog box values, click Cancel and

skip to Step 17. Otherwise, continue with the next step.

1 2. Click OK to enter new values.

1 3. Click Yes in response to confirmation messages.

1 4. Wait for the data transfer to be completed. Click OK to

acknowledge the completion of the update without errors

1 5. Click OK to acknowledge any communication prompt messages

that appear.

1 6. Click the pause button

to halt the network scan.

1 7. If CNBs that reside on I/O networks are also to be updated, then

select one CNB from each I/O network for Step 8 and repeat
Step 9 through Step 15 for each I/O network.

1 8. Click Networ k Tools

Exit to end the session.

1 9. Return to upgrade or installation procedures as applicable.

Updating Firmware in the 1757-ABRIO Module

Complete the following steps for updating the firmware in the
1757-ABRIO module.

1 . Logon to the Server as ps_user.

2. Insert the ProcessLogix R510.0 Supplemental CD.

3. Click Star t


4. Enter this path or Br ow se to:


(or your CD-ROM drive letter)

\ABRIO Control Flash\setup.exe<

5. Click OK.

6. At the Welcome to ControlFLASH Setup window, click Nex t.

7. Click Yes to accept the License Agreement.

8. Click Nex t to accept the default location.

9. Uncheck the Yes, I want to view the ControlFLASH readme file.