Acronyms and abbreviations – Rockwell Automation 1757-SWKIT5100 ProcessLogix R510.0 Installation and Upgrade Guide User Manual

Page 16

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Publication 1757-IN510A-EN-P - October 2003

Preface 6

Acronyms and

Table P.4 Acronyms and Abbreviations

AI — Analog Input

LANLocal Area Network

AO Analog Output

LEDLight Emitting Diode

CBControl Builder

MAC Media Access Control

CD Compact Disc


CDA Control Data Access

Mb Megabits

CD-ROMCompact Disc Read Only Memory

NUTNetwork Update Time

CEE Control Execution Environment

ODBCOpen Database Communications

CMControl Module

OEMOriginal Equipment Manufacturer

1756-CNB or CNB ControlNet Bridge module

PCPersonal Computer

CPM Control Processor Module

PCIPersonal Computer Interconnect

CPUCentral Processing Unit

1784-PCIC or PCICPCI ControlNet Interface Module

DI Digital Input

1757-PLX52 ProcessLogix Hybrid Controller with
Optional Redundancy

DO Digital Output

1757-PIM or PIM Pulse Input Module

DOS Disk Operating System

PLC Programmable Logic Controller

EREngineering Repository


ERDBEngineering Repository Database

RAMRandom Access Memory

FBFunction Block

RCP Redundant Chassis Pair

FF Foundation



SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Access

FTA Field Termination Assembly

SCM Sequential Control Module

HTMLHyperText Markup Language

SP Service Pack

I/O Input/Output

1757-SRM or SRMSystem Redundancy Module

IOM Input/Output Module

TC-MUX01 Serial Interface Module

IRQ Interrupt Request

TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol