Concatenating color-correction and transform nodes – Apple Shake 4 User Manual

Page 896

background image


Chapter 29

Optimizing and Troubleshooting Your Scripts

To strip out the RGB channels, leaving the alpha:


Enter the following command-line function:

shake mymask.#.tif -bri 0 -fo mynewmask.#.iff

To strip out the alpha channel, force the RGB as a monochrome 1 channel:


Enter the following command-line function:

shake mymask.#.tif -mono -setAlpha 0 -fo mynewmask.#.iff

Note: Shake automatically optimizes itself to read only the channel it needs.

To save out a BW image as RGB for compatibility with other applications:


Do one of the following:

Set the RGB output in the FileOut.

Use the command line function -forcergb:

shake myBWimage.#.iff -forcergb -fo myRGBimage.#.iff

Concatenating Color-Correction and Transform Nodes

Many nodes in the Color and Transform tabs concatenate with nodes of the same type
(that is, Color nodes with Color nodes, Transform nodes with Transform nodes). The
nodes compile several connected nodes into one render pass, preserving quality and
decreasing processing time. Nodes that concatenate are marked with a “C.”