Apple Shake 4 User Manual

Page 292

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Chapter 10

Parameter Animation and the Curve Editor

To keyframe parameter changes you make using a node’s Viewer controls, turn on
the Autokey button in the Viewer shelf.

Whenever you first enable keyframing, a keyframe is automatically created at the
current position of the playhead in the Time Bar for the affected parameters.


To create a second keyframe, move the playhead in the Time Bar to another frame, and
then change the value of the parameter.

A keyframe appears in the Time Bar to show this change.

When a parameter is animated, keyframes appear in the Time Bar to indicate each
change to that parameter. If the playhead is directly over a keyframe, that keyframe is
green to indicate that it’s “selected.” In other words, changes you make to that
parameter simply modify the current keyframe, instead of creating a new one.

Note: You can also edit keyframes in the Curve Editor by clicking the parameter’s Load
Curve button (the clock-shaped button to the left of the Autokey button in the
Parameters tab).

To delete a keyframe:


In the Time Bar, move the playhead to the desired keyframe, then do one of the

Click the Delete Keyframe button in the Viewer or Curve Editor.

Right-click the parameter from which you want to delete a keyframe, then choose
Delete Current Key from the shortcut menu.

Click the Load Curve button for the parameter that contains the keyframe you want
to delete, then click the keyframe in the Curve Editor and press Delete.

Autokey button

Delete Keyframe button