Apple Shake 4 User Manual
Page 1027

Appendix A
The Shake Command-Line Manual
shake -addtext %F -t 1-20
Prints the padded current frame.
shake -addtext “%D, %d %M”
Prints the current date.
Converting Image File Formats Description
shake alien.#.iff -t 1-50 -fo
[email protected]
Writes 50 unpadded images in the .sgi format.
shake [email protected] -t 1-5 -fo fan.#.tif
Writes 5 padded images in the .tif format.
Adding and Removing
shake alien.0001.iff -lum -fo toto.iff Creates a black-and-white image with an alpha channel.
shake alien.0001.iff -reorder rrra -
fo tutu.iff
Creates a black-and-white image with an alpha channel.
shake tutu.iff -forcergb
Makes a 1-channel image into a 3-channel image without
modifying the image.
shake alien.0001.iff -reorder rgbn
Removes the alpha channel.
shake alien.0001.iff -setalpha 0
Removes the alpha channel.
shake alien.0001.iff -reorder rgbl
Puts the luminance into the alpha channel.
Changing Bit Depth
shake bg.iff -bytes 1 -fo bit8.iff
Converts the image to 8 bits (what this image was anyway).
shake bg.iff -bytes 2 -fo bit16.iff
Converts the image to 16 bits.
shake bg.iff -bytes 4 -fo bit32.iff
Converts the image to float.
Manipulating Fields
shake -pulldown bus/bus2.40-
79#.jpg 0 -t 1-50 -fo fps30.#.iff -v
3:2 pulldown, converting from 24 fps to 30 fps. The 1-50 is derived
by subtracting 40 from 79, adding 1, and then multiplying that by
shake -pullup fps30.#.iff 0 -t 1-40 -
fo fps24.#.iff -v
3:2 pulldown converting from 30 fps to 24 fps. The 1-40 is derived
by dividing 50 (the amount of images) by 1.25.
Averaging Frames
shake -average bus2.40-79#.jpg 1
40 1 20 1 1 1 -t 1-20
Averages the 40 frames down to 20 frames.
shake bus2.40-79x2#.jpg -mix
bus2.41-79x2#.jpg -t 1-20
Uses the frame numbering steps in the FileIn to get the averaging,
and mixes them together with the Mix function.
Resizing Images
shake bg.iff -z 3
Zooms the image up by 3.
shake bg.iff -z .333
shake bg.iff -z 1/3
Both zoom the image down by 3.
Cool Text Tricks