Apple Shake 4 User Manual

Page 712

background image


Chapter 24


status: Presents an image with different colors, displaying which parts of the image
fall into the four Primatte zones. This mode is useful to help you troubleshoot your

Black–Zone 1: All background

Blue–Zone 2: Transparent foreground

Green–Zone 3: Suppressed foreground

Red–Zone 4: All foreground

Determines how Primatte affects the foreground matte channel.

Replace (0): Replaces the fg matte channel completely.

Subtract (1): Subtracts the Primatte-derived matte from the incoming matte.

Multiply (2): Multiplies the two mattes together.

Add (3): Adds the two mattes together.

This button tells Shake whether or not to consider the pixels outside of the frame.
When disabled (default mode), the area outside of the image is assumed to be 100
percent transparent. When enabled, the area outside of the frame is treated the same
way black pixels are treated by your Primatte scrubs.

The channels to be used for the garbage matte. If no garbage matte is assigned, these
parameters have no effect.

The channels to be used for the holdout matte. If no holdout matte is assigned, these
parameters have no effect.

When you perform spill suppression through the use of the spillsponge operator or the
fine tuning operator, these suppressed areas are shifted from blue (or whatever your
center value is) toward a different color. There are two modes:

use image: The default mode. This mode uses colors from either the background
image, or the image connected to the replaceImage input knot, if one has been

use color: Lets you pick a specific color using the ReplaceColor parameter.

The color used in the spill suppressed area if the replaceMode parameter is set to
“use color.”